Friday, March 30, 2012


It is not just what is done that matters. What matters more is the quality of attention and awareness that is brought to the activity at hand. When this attentiveness is unbroken one begins more and more to rest in and as this unbroken awareness, even in the midst of change and activity. From continued effort to sustain the attention in what is here, eventually comes a natural shift into an unbroken awareness and effortless presence beyond the mental fabric of time and space.  Even as mind and senses continue to function in their natural expression and play, this effortless and unbounded awareness remains.


Jake said...

These are wise words. I'm a yoga teacher and I find most people very much reoccupied with how their body looks or comparing themselves to others in the class. I always encourage my students to go deeper to the subtle levels of practice. This is a nice reminder of that.

Ben said...

Thank you for sharing the nice comment Jake. It's nice to hear you appreciate the more subtle aspects of the practice and are encouraging others to do the same! I'm glad it was a nice reminder for you. :)

Karuna from The Gathering said...

So eloquently and simply put! That unbroken concentration in the practice is pure sweetness!

Ben said...

Pure sweetness indeed. Well said. :)

Om Peace.